Warsaw Ghetto Diary

Tuesday, April 25, 6 p.m., Malý Mehrin Museum, Vídeňská 14

We want to mark the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising symbolically
to commemorate with a debate evening over the diary of Adam Czerniaków, head of the
of the Jewish Council (Judenrat) of the ghetto. Czerniakow kept a diary from September 1939 until the day
his death in July 1942, when he passed from life by his own hand. He was reacting to
order to compile deportation lists for the Treblinka extermination camp, before
that failed to save the children of the local orphanage. Historically and
From a literary point of view, the diary is a document of paramount importance. Lines
are not only an authentic source of their time, but also give a strong intimate testimony of the author's inner world. The book was published under the title Diary
of the Warsaw Ghetto published by Sefer, translated by Jiří Červenka.
Invitation to the discussion was accepted by historian Jiří Friedl, a leading expert on the subject
of modern Polish history and Czech-Polish relations, lecturer at Masaryk
University and the University of Defence in Brno. The next guest will be an actor from the National Theatre
Brno Vladimir Kratky, in which excerpts from the diary will be performed. The evening will be accompanied by
Historian Tanya Klementová.
The programme takes place as part of the Days of Polish Culture in cooperation with the Polish Institute
