Little Mehrin

Drawings from Terezín - Diary of Gisela Rottonary

Monday 23 September at 6 pm

Immediately after her deportation to the Terezín ghetto in July 1942, the almost 70-year-old Viennese painter Gisela Rottonara began documenting her surroundings in a cartoon diary. On the pages of her notebook she recorded her impressions, the corners of Terezín and the faces of the people. After less than six months in the ghetto, she died. However, the diary with the drawings lives on thanks to a fellow prisoner, to whom she entrusted it before her death. Please accept our invitation to the opening of Gisela Rottonara's drawings, which will be presented to the Czech audience for the first time. The exhibition is on loan from the Institut für Jüdische Geschichte Österreichs

OUR houses

The use of possessive pronouns in modern Czech history
an interesting phenomenon. MY... YOUR... HER... HIS... OUR... YOUR... THEIR... EVERYONE? On the streets of Brno, as we live in them today, stood over seven sethouses officially purchased by the Emigration Fund for Bohemia and Moravia during 1941. The original owners of the houses were forced to sell them on the basis of their official designation as Jews, or they lived in marriages with people so designated without wanting to sell THEIR houses. Not always about eviction
they sought. Some houses were resold by the fund to private individuals or the city
Brno, most of which he kept and rented. After the end of the war, the owners
were changed again, but rarely did the house return to its original owners. V
in the broadest sense of the word, the designation OURS includes all who in THEIR
houses they lived in, worked in, dreamed about... It includes us too,
who we pass by every day and they shape the scenery of OUR own lives.
The exhibition comprehensively introduces the topic of the arialization of immovable property
Emigration Fund in Brno. He works with a map where the addresses of the houses
recorded, archival documents and memories of witnesses and contemporaries.
Eight houses and the fate of THEIR original owners from Masaryk Street,
Hybešova, Lipová, Dornych, třída Kapitána Jaroše, Mučednická, Botanická
and from Židenice, then he takes a closer look. The presented set of information includes
to the gears of the Holocaust, even though OUR interest does not end there. The stories of individual
home, of course, took different paths after the end of the war. It is
More than likely, they've come into your life as well. As in the case of
houses that are still standing, and those that have disappeared from the city map for good, can be
to believe that it's always better to know than not to know. And that it is possible to grow
the sensitivity of society so that it naturally tries to avoid more blows
to the same place.
Opening on January 4, 2024. The exhibition will run until March 28, 2024
