Little Mehrin

Involvement of the Protectorate Police in the Persecution and Deportation of Jews in Bohemia and Moravia - lecture by Austrian historian Niklas Perzi

Monday 24 June at 6 pm

Historians and scholars have long portrayed the persecution, dispossession, deportation and murder of Czech and Moravian Jews as actions initiated and carried out exclusively by the German occupiers. Some contemporary scholars, such as Wolf Gruner or Benjamin Frommer, have already corrected this picture and traced the role of various institutions and authorities in the Protectorate - both Czech and ethnically German - from the president and central government and provincial officials to district authorities.

Following on from the above, historian Niklas Perzi's lecture will focus on the extent to which the Protectorate's security forces were involved not only in deportations, but also in the enforcement of anti-Jewish laws and regulations and in the search and arrest of Jews. We will see that at virtually every stage of the persecution, Jewish victims encountered Protectorate officials.

Niklas Perzi, historian with a focus on the history of the Czech lands in the 20th century. Senior researcher at the Centre for Historical Migration Research (ZHMFF) at the Institute for Rural History (IGLR) in St. Pölten, co-coordinator and co-editor of the bilateral book Neighbours.

The lecture will be held in German with Czech translation. Admission is voluntary.

Source: archive of Jaroslav Čvančara
