What happened to confiscated Jewish property during and after the war?

What happened to confiscated Jewish property during and after the war? Monday, 10 March at 6 p.m. Historian Jana Jirásková and Judaist Jiří Blažek will explain how the systematic confiscation of Jewish property worked during World War II. During the lecture, they will explain how it was determined which works of art were of the highest value and how some paintings or prints were saved from the Nazis. The lecturers will also talk about the research work they do when searching for confiscated art objects. Jana Jirásková studied history and religious studies at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. She has been working at the Centre for Documentation of Property Transfers of Cultural Property of World War II Victims since 2013 and focuses on the mechanisms of confiscation and restitution of property of World War II victims. She has been the director of this institution since 2023. Jiří Blažek studied Judaic Studies at Charles University and Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Since 2008 he has worked as a translator, editor and publisher of Jewish religious literature, and as a guide and lecturer at the Jewish Museum in Prague. Since 2023, he has worked as a researcher at the Center for Documentation of Property Transfers of Cultural Property of World War II Victims, o.p.s. Admission is voluntary.