Family heritage

Family heritage Monday 11 March at 6 pm Two inspiring women have accepted an invitation to talk about how they deal with the complexity of family heritage in their lives. The first of them, Eva Lustigová, daughter of the writer Arnošt Lustig and Věra Weislitzová, author of the film Your tear, my rain, is coming to Brno to present the book Arnošt's Journey as part of Masaryk Days. We will talk not only about it, but also about other projects through which Eva is developing her father's legacy. We will also recall her mother's poetic work. The second panelist will be Karen Kruger, granddaughter of the Türkle family from Brno, who successfully screened her documentary film Letters from Brno last year. Based on dozens of letters that came to Karen as part of her inheritance, the film traces her journey to understand her family's past and to find her own roots. Moderated by Táňa Klementová. The debate will be in English, simultaneous translation will be provided on site. Admission is voluntary.