Oskar Spielmann, Central European in Algeria

Oskar Spielmann, Central European in Algeria Wednesday 26 March at 6 pm Following the published monograph and last year's exhibitions in Cheb and Olomouc, a lecture by Mgr. Ivo Habán, Ph.D., will present the fate of a Brno painter with Jewish roots, whose story and work connects the history of Brno, Algeria and France. Oskar Spielmann (1901-1974) breaks away from the traditional line of Czech and Moravian Germans by staying in the Maghreb for more than thirty years. His work on the border of fairy tale and fantasy opens up, besides a specific reflection on exotic topics from our point of view, a more general issue of the Central European artist's activity in North Africa at the end of the colonial era. Attention will also be paid to the fate of Oskar's brothers, the architect Paul Spielmann (1900-1978) and the photographer Robert Spielmann (1913-2006), and to the questions of the future direction of the cultural legacy of the Spielmann family, processed on the platform of the Peter Spielmann Archive. Admission is voluntary.