Little Mehrin

Places where the Moravian Torah Scrolls were at home - end of the exhibition with Sheila Pallay

The Places Where the Moravian Torah Scrolls Were At Home - Closing of the Exhibition with Sheila Pallay Tuesday, September 17, 6 p.m. What do the places where the Moravian scrolls came from look like today, and how is the paradigm of the commemorative Torah scrolls that were forcibly collected in Prague in the 1940s and sold to London in 1964 changing? American photographer Sheila Pallay, accompanied by genealogist Julius Müller, toured these sites. In a joint interview with you, she will revisit the encounters she had with the places and the people. She will also present the book Light from Behind the Shadows, which was written as a result of their journey together. And, as they themselves write in the introduction to the book - This book is dedicated to those members of the Czech Jewish community who had the foresight to save the Torah scrolls and place them in a safe place. Without their efforts, these scrolls would have been destroyed forever. And also to those who were instrumental in saving the synagogues, because, in their opinion, it was "the right thing to do." Without them, our journey would never have taken place. Discussion in English with English translation. Admission is voluntary.
