Pavel Kosatík: Psychoanalysis in the Czech lands: what was it for, what is it for...

Pavel Kosatík: Psychoanalysis in the Czech Lands: What was it for, what is it for... Tuesday, April 22 at 6 pm What makes psychoanalysis Jewish and is it "only" Jewish? What is its position today in the chaos of hundreds of therapies, when one most often encounters not the continuation of a method, but the herald of a "holistic" principle? And where to go when one is sick? What kind of freedom does it give and what does one pay for it? Pavel Kosatík, whom we know primarily through his work as a writer, journalist and screenwriter, came to psychoanalysis as a journalist in 1993. For nine years, he devoted himself to it intensively, but when he was in training to decide whether it should become his profession, he did not dare. Yet he says of this period: It is the most valuable education or self-discovery of my life... Admission is voluntary. Seating is limited, please reserve your spot by emailing: Thank you.